Sea Life Notes
Breverton, T. (2013). Breverton’s Nautical Curiosities. Quercus.
The Bloop was an ultra-low frequency underwater sound detected multiple times in 1997
The source remains unknown
It was detected by machines built to detect submarines
The sound ‘rises rapidly in frequency over about one minute and was of sufficient amplitude to be heard on multiple sensors, at a range of over 5000km’, according to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The sound was far more powerful than any call made by an animal we know
Fish tail fins are vertical, to propel them forwards, however 3 major groups of mammals left the sea in prehistoric times and returned to it millions of years later. These mammals developed horizontal tail flukes for propulsion. These mammals were:
Whales and dolphins
Seals, sea lions and walruses
Dugongs and manatees
Types of sea animals
Jointed legged animals
Crustaceans – crabs, lobsters, shrimps
Animals with a notochord
Lampreys, hagfishes, sharks, skates, rays, eels, barracudas and other fish
Sea snakes, turtles, alligators, crocodiles
Whales, dolphins, sea lions
Animals with a mantle
Snails, bivalves, chitons, tusk shells and cephalopods (octopuses, squids)
Spiny skinned animals
Sea stars, brittle stars, sea urchins, crinoids, etc
Stinging animals
Jellyfish, corals, hydroids, cubomedusa
5000 species plus comb jellies and worms
Apex predators
Megalodon ruled the seas in prehistoric times
Feed on other fish
Fast and graceful
Includes marlin, sailfish and swordfish
Electric ray
Feeds by stunning fish and small sharks
Grows up to 91kg
Produces a powerful electric shock of up to 220 volts
Leopard seal
Top predator in the Antarctic
Largest species of dolphin
Incredibly fast – can get up to 35mph
Hunt in pods and have different methods for different prey
Prey on whales, seals, sea lions and walruses
Sperm whale
Second largest animal in the world
Largest brain of any animal we know
Feed on squid, octopus, deep-water fish, sharks and skate
Can dive incredibly deep for a whale (1100m)
Tiger shark
Can go up to 20mph
Will attack and eat anything
Beluga whales communicate with whistles and pulsed calls
The blue whale is the largest animal to have ever lived on Earth – up to 28m
Loudest animals on Earth – calls can go up to 188 decibels
Can be heard from hundreds of miles away
Dolphins are extremely intelligent
In 2008 a sperm whale and its calf were stuck in shallow waters and called out. After some time a dolphin, named Moko, arrived and escorted them out. This was the first time humans had seen dolphins and whales communicate
A Risso’s dolphin, named Pelorus Jack, escorted ships across Admiralty Bay in New Zealand between 1888 and 1912
The area was dangerous because of rocks and Jack would sometimes stay with ships for up to 20 minutes to guide them through
Sailors would often wait for him to arrive before travelling through the French Pass, which was the most dangerous part
A ‘pelorus’, which Jack was named after, was used to help when travelling with inaccuracies with compass
A shipmate on the attacked Jack, by shooting him, and he took several weeks to recover. Jack never escorted the again and later it was found shipwrecked on the French Pass
The archerfish is the accurate marksman in the sea and sprays water jets to stun fish
The megamouth shark, which is newly discovered, is another large shark which swims with its mouth wide open to catch plankton and jellyfish
Deepwater shark
Discovered in 1976
Can grow up to 5.5m
The giant squid is a huge predator that lives in the deep sea
It can grow up to 20m
Its only threat is the sperm whale, which dives great depths just to catch them
The giant squid pulls prey towards it with the suckers on its 2 longest tentacles. It pulls the prey into its beak and uses its toothed tongue to lacerate the prey
The giant squid has the biggest eyes, up to 50cm, of any known animal
Sea otters are one of the few animals to use tools
They place a rock upon their chests when eating and use the rock as an anvil, smashing shells against it to get to what’s inside
The swordfish is the fastest fish in the world for short sprints and can reach up to 72mph
Manta rays
Can reach 7.6m
Has the biggest brain to body ratio of all sharks and rays
Is commonly preyed on by sharks who attack from behind, their blind spot
Whaling is the act of hunting whales, usually for meat and oil and bone, and it is the primary cause for most whales being endangered
It began in the 11th century but picked up momentum in the 19th, with the rise of fast steam-powered ships and explosive harpoons
Whale oil was used to light homes, in oil lamps or candles, before electricity
In the 20th century almost all products, such as perfume and soaps, contained whale in some capacity
In 1986 rules were put in place to restrict whaling
Norway and Japan continue to hunt whales, against restrictions put in place, and they quote that it is for ‘scientific purposes’ but no findings have been published
Japan now regularly hunts in Antarctica waters, which was originally the only safe place for whales as steam-ships would rarely go that far
The right whale – named because it was the easiest to hunt – is the most endangered. Right whales are easy to hunt because they become buoyant when they die; other whales sink immediately